Friday, September 25, 2009

Do's and Don'ts

There are a lot of things I do not do. I don’t drink. I don’t smoke. You are probably thinking, “Good, your pregnant!” But I mean I never do. I also do not have cable, rarely watch PG-13 or R rated movies, and do not listen to much secular music. I strive to dress modestly. It all sounds good, but what is my heart attitude? Am I doing it to be praised by men? Or am I doing it because God has convicted me that it is His will for my life.

If we are honest, we will have to admit that God leaves some of these choices up to us. Wouldn’t it be easy if the Lord wrote down exactly what was modest and immodest? No more quandaries about bathing suits! So many things that Christians argue about are simply not clear in the Bible. We can glean principles and do our best, but some things He leaves to our conscience.

For instance, my husband and I do not have cable. This is a conscience issue for me because I know I am weak when it comes to TV. I know I would often be in the family room watching the Food Network instead of tending to my household. I also feel desensitized to the world after I watch tv for a while. Does that make me better than any of you with cable? Absolutely not! For some of you, you might not be drawn away from your family at all by the call of television. But for me, I know the Lord’s will is for us to keep it to an occasional movie from Netflix.

Then there is music. I love music! But I restrict myself to mostly praise music and some classical. Do I think that all other music is sinful? NO! Some of my favorite memories of my husband and I getting to know each other involve a convertible with the top down and two crazy kids singing along to oldies. But as an emotional woman, the last thing I need during a stressful day is an angsty teenager belting out her anger and frustration in my ear. Music affects me emotionally and I am aware of that. Hence, I try to stay uplifted and encouraged with my choice of tunes.

I am striving to remember 1 Cor. 10:23 “All things are lawful, but not all things are helpful. All things are lawful, but not all things build up.” Let’s be aware of our own weaknesses as well as the weaknesses of others. And let’s try not to impose our own convictions on others. After all, the focus should be on Jesus, right?

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Apple Butter and Hard Work!

This past week I spent a good three days making apple butter. I am sitting here looking at all of the lovely little jars that will be my Christmas presents to our very large, extended family. My plan is to give the apple butter, along with a loaf of freshly baked cinnamon swirl bread. However, as I am due in December, that part of the plan is up to my sweet baby boy and the Lord.

My first foray into the realm of canning was intimidating, but highly rewarding. My mother’s apple tree produced a bumper crop this year and that gave me the idea for frugal Christmas presents. It was so satisfying to watch those mounds of rosy red apples, just picked, turn into jars of yummy goodness.

But as I labored over my project, I fell again into morning sickness mode. This tends to happen when I do not rest and keep up my strength.

I just want to say, thank the Lord for the ability to work! I know that if something happens to my health, God will give me the ability to cope with being bed-ridden or unable to work hard.

Being pregnant has opened my eyes to how the Lord has created me to work hard! The frustration I felt, during the first three months, at not being able to do everything that needed done was incredible. Laying on the sofa, which sounds so good sometimes, was boring, unproductive and just plain terrible. And this from the girl who loves to read and write!

Lets thank the Lord for the labor that He gives us to do each day and for that satisfied feeling of a job well done.

Proverbs 31:31 Give her the fruit of her hands and let her own works praise her in the gates.